Blog - Denovo

Ask Denovo - Tips & Tricks - Assigning a Notification to a Role

Written by Denovo | Jul 11, 2024 5:00:00 PM

Most folks we talk to still haven't taken advantage of the Oracle-provided Notifications. They are common alerts, like Payments Overdue (AP Due Date prior to today for open vouchers). Did you know you can assign a Notification to all JDE users or to just a single Role? You can do this via Assigned Subscriptions under Manage Notifications:

Click Add (1), choose the Notification you wish to assign from the drop-down list, then click on the +Role (3) to choose a role (and keep clicking this to choose more roles), then click Save (4):

Make any other changes needed, like how you want them notified, too, before saving. You'll need to Approve/Secure the Notification in the UDO Admin screen (P98220U) and ensure all the JDE users have UDO security to at least have view-access to Notifications (in the Security Workbench, P00950).

If you don't think you've got Notifications installed or want some extra help, search "Ask Denovo" to find our Notification Series of blog postings from last year. Or send us a note below if you want someone to reach out to provide you one-on-one help.

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